Rise to the 2019 UNH 603 Challenge May 19 to 23!

The (603) Challenge Paul College

Rise to The (603) Challenge and help Paul College reach 300 gifts! #UNH603

Last year over 80 Paul College faculty and staff gave generously to The (603) Challenge annual fund campaign raising almost $11,000 for scholarships, the Internship Opportunity Fund, and student engagement through the Dean’s Discretionary Funds. These funds have helped students to reduce the costs of their education, enabled student clubs to put on events to interact with business professionals, supported student teams to travel to New Mexico and Los Angeles to participate in external competitions, and provided stipends to students to enable them to pursue high quality internships in expensive metropolitan areas from Boston to Fort Meyers, New York, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.

This year, The (603) Challenge will run from May 19 through May 23.  We are hoping to increase our faculty and staff participation to 90! Just as last year, Peter Paul and I are each contributing $3,000 to match faculty and staff gifts to Paul College up to $150 per donor until our funding runs out. That way you are able to triple the impact of your gift. Gifts of any size and to any area of Paul College move us towards our goal!

A group of generous alumni have also issued a challenge to Paul College. If we receive 300 gifts during the five-day challenge, they will give an additional $30,000 to the Internship Opportunity Fund. Your gift will help us achieve this goal.

Once again at the university level, generous underwriters are also providing $150,000 in matching funds. All gifts will be matched up to $150 to the area you select until these matching funds run out.

Rise to the challenge early on Sunday, May 19 by visiting unh.edu/603 and help Paul College reach its goal of 300 gifts and raise additional funds to enhance our students’ experience at Paul College and UNH. The Challenge opens at midnight. 

If you are inspired, I hope that you will join me in The (603) Challenge. Your gift will have lasting impact on our students. There is no better ROI than this.

Deborah Merrill-Sands, dean
