Undergraduate Advising

Paul College Undergraduate Programs Team

The Undergraduate Programs Office in Paul College has a team of advisors that focus on encouraging and supporting students to discover and explore their academic, personal and professional interests during their time at UNH. Through a collaborative and holistic approach, advisors will guide students to feel empowered as they navigate their individual academic experience.

Upon entrance to Paul College, students are assigned to an academic advisor. To find out who your academic advisor is, please log into DegreeWorks.

Our Responsibility to You

  • Support you in navigating challenges and celebrating successes.
  • Assist in developing your academic plan that advances you toward graduation.
  • Explore academic opportunities that interest you (major(s), minor(s), study abroad/away, research, etc.).
  • Discuss your academic performance and strategies for success.
  • Clarify university policies, procedures and regulations.
  • Guide you to appropriate support services within the university.
  • Challenge you to explore new experiences and make the most of your time at UNH and Paul College.

Our Expectations of You

  • Review and respond to your UNH email every day! Email is UNH’s primary method of communication.
  • Stay connected with your Academic Advisor. We’re here to help you through your challenges but also celebrate your wins.
  • Seek help when you need it and do not wait until the last minute.
  • Prepare yourself with materials, discussion points, questions, etc. for advising meetings ahead of time.
  • Monitor your academic progress by reviewing DegreeWorks regularly.
  • Pay attention to deadlines and information sent out by university offices. 
  • Be an actively engaged student. Get involved on campus and explore new things that excite you to make the most of your experience.Check out Catalyst
  • Utilize your resources, including visiting professor office hours, Connors Writing CenterMath CenterCaPSCFARPACSHealth & WellnessBeauregard Center, etc.
For information on undergraduate programs contact:

Paul College Suite 201
(603) 862-3885 (voice)
(603) 862-4468 (fax)

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Regular appointments are back on the menu!

  • Needing to talk with your professional advisor?  Make an appointment with them in myWildcat Success!

  • Not sure who your assigned professional advisor is?  Find out here!

How to make an appointment in myWildCat Success:

  • Log into MyWildcat Success through MyUNH
  • On the student homepage, select “Schedule an Appointment"
  • Select "College or Major specific advising" for the type of appointment
  • Select “Paul College” from the College/Group drop down menu
  • Choose appointment type from the drop down menu and select next
  • Select “PAUL Undergraduate Programs Office” from the drop down menu
  • Choose your advisor and select next
  • Find an available time slot that works with your schedule and select next
  • Confirm Appointment (you must complete this process to schedule an appointment)

Stop by Paul College Suite 201 for Open Advising to meet with any advisor for last minute questions about courses, UNH policies, UNH resources, and program information.

Weeks 1-3 of Fall & Spring Semester:

  • Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-3:30 PM

Weeks 4-16 of Fall & Spring Semester:

  • Tuesdays: 1:00-3:00PM
  • Wednesdays: 10:00-12:00 PM