Academic Policies

Policies and procedures for Paul College Undergraduate Students .All policies can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Paul College Student Status

Provisional Paul Students

Before reaching junior rank (58 earned credits), students are considered provisional Paul students. During this time, they may only take two Paul College major-required courses per semester and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3.

These guidelines ensure students balance their major and discovery requirements, promoting overall academic success and timely degree completion. These measures support your academic journey and help you achieve your educational goals.

  • You must achieve a grade of “C–” or better in all Paul College of Business and Economics courses required for your major.
    • Any major required Paul course for which you earn a grade below “C–” must be repeated in the next semester. This does not include the required discovery courses, MATH 422 and PHIL 431.
    • For ADMN 403, you must earn “CR" or repeat the course in the next semester.
    • You may repeat a maximum of two required courses, each course only one time.
    • All repeated courses must be taken at the UNH-Durham campus. If you repeat a course, you lose the credits for the original course, but the new grade will replace the original grade in your GPA.
    • If a student does not earn a "C-" or above in a repeated Paul College course students will no longer be eligible to remain in their major and will be required to change their major.

The Paul College course withdrawal policy is designed to ensure that students can make steady progress toward their degree while allowing for occasional adjustments to their course schedule.

  • Students can withdraw from a course during the designated withdrawal period as outlined in the academic calendar.
  • A "W" (withdrawn) notation will appear on the student's transcript for the course, without any further academic penalty.
  • Students can withdraw from a maximum of two major required courses to include MATH 422 or 424A.
  • A major required withdrawn course must be repeated in the next semester.
  • You can only withdraw from a course once; the second time you enroll you must earn a grade.
  • Students should consult with student financial services and their advisor to understand the impact of this decision.

Provisional Paul Students (prior to attaining Junior rank):

  • Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3
    • Provisional Paul students who fall below a cumulative GPA of 2.3, will be placed on Academic Notice for one semester.
    • If the minimum cumulative 2.3 GPA is not attained after the Paul Academic Success Programming semester, students will be required to change their major outside of Paul College.

Graduation GPA requirements

  • To graduate, all B.S. degree students (Business Administration, Hotel & Hospitality Management, and Analytical Economics), need to achieve a 2.3 GPA in their major courses.
  • B.A. degree students (Economics), need to achieve a 2.0 GPA in their major courses.

Paul College courses may not be taken on a pass/fail basis by a student majoring in business administration, economics, or hospitality management. 

Academic Standing

A change in a student academic standing is a process designed to alert students to the opportunity for academic growth and identify changes to implement to meet the Paul College academic requirements. Academic standing is reviewed at the end of each semester after final grades have been processed.

The academic standing categories listed below are not included on your academic transcript.

We know that there are many factors that can impact a student and lead to a change in academic standing. We are here to support you and committed to helping you succeed in any way we can.

A temporary standing which requires students to take proactive measures to address concerns regarding their degree progress.

  • Students will be notified of their academic standing through their UNH email by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Students must meet with their Academic Advisor to resolve this temporary standing.

If an exclusion standing is not resolved it will change to the official status of Degree Status Discontinued no later than mid-semester. The Degree Status Discontinued status is recorded on your transcript and academic record.

Students will be placed on Paul College Academic Notice if their academic performance falls below one or more of the Paul College requirements. This status provides an opportunity for students to reflect on necessary changes, seek assistance, utilize resources, and make improvements. It is important to note that this status will not appear on a student's transcript.

Criteria for Academic Notice:

  • Students will be placed on Paul College Academic Notice if they meet one or more of more of the following criteria:
    • Cumulative GPA below 2.3 for students in their first or second year in Paul College.
    • Earned grade below “C–”in a Paul College course required for your major
    • Semester GPA below 2.0
    • Concern about academic progress

Next Steps:

  • Students will be notified of their Paul College status through their UNH email after final grades have been processed.
  • Students must complete an online agreement that acknowledges they have reviewed and understand the academic requirements set by Paul College.
  • Students must work with their advisor to understand potential changes in their schedule and academic plans.
  • Provisional Paul students placed on Academic Notice due to a cumulative GPA below 2.3 must participate in academic success programming for a semester.

Prior to reaching junior rank (58 earned credits) students are provisional Paul students. Provisional Paul Students will be placed on Academic Notice for one (1) semester if their cumulative GPA drops below 2.3 during the provisional period.

Students will be notified of their student status through their UNH email after final grades have been processed.

Provisional Paul Students on Academic Notice must participate in academic success programming for a semester with the goal of reaching the 2.3 cumulative GPA threshold at the end of their academic success semester.

If students do not attain a cumulative 2.3 GPA after their Academic Notice semester, they may be required to change their major.

First-year Academic Success Programming: PARC

  • Students are required to complete the semester long Paul Academic Recovery Course.

Second-year Academic Success Programming

  • Students are required to meet with their Academic Advisor three times during the semester and work with the Center for Academic Resources.