Planning your Study Abroad Experience

Congrats on taking the first step towards an unforgettable life changing experience! Studying abroad can be an intimidating process but Paul College and the UNH Global office work very closely together to help students achieve their dreams.

You may be asking yourself:

  • Will this delay my graduation?

  • How do I know what country will be the right fit for me?

  • How will my credits transfer and will I take courses for my major abroad?

  • Is it better to study abroad in the fall or spring semester?

While each student situation is unique, Paul College Undergraduate Advisors work extremely hard to make sure you remain on track by taking courses that work towards UNH graduation requirements. It is very unlikely you will delay graduation by studying abroad for a semester or in some cases a year!

Watching a study abroad information session is the first step in the planning process. To get more information about the online sessions, visit UNH Global's site and read through step number 2!

Once you've attended an information session and created your UNH-Via account, you can meet with a UNH Global advisor

Build a profile, research programs, and apply through the UNH VIA portal.

Yes! In some cases it could cost the same or less to study abroad than it does to remain in Durham. The key once again is to plan ahead. UNH allows federal, state and institutional aid (except work study) to transfer for all Managed, Approved and Exchange programs. There are several things to consider when researching study abroad opportunities such as cost of living in the host country, type of study abroad program, and exchange rate. Take advantage of the following resources:

You can study anywhere in the world! The benefit of planning ahead is that the world is literally wide open for you to explore. Think about your personal and professional goals and what you would like to gain from this experience. Connect with faculty and other professionals to find out which countries are most relevant to your field of interest. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Would you prefer to study abroad in a rural or urban setting?
  • Do you want to be in an English speaking area or somewhere where you need to speak a foreign language?
  • Is it important to be centrally located to spend time on weekends traveling to nearby cities/countries?

Ultimately, remember to choose a destination that interests YOU and not someone else. For more information on Study Abroad programs approved by UNH, visit the UNH VIA portal for a complete list.

The Undergraduate Programs Office recommends these programs!