MBA Program; Graduate Programs

MBA students work alongside Lindt to get first-hand look at what it means to be agile
Our team got a true, first-hand look at what it means to be agile. Throughout the semester and following the onset of COVID-19, the team executed an a... Learn More
Valentini Kalargyrou, Associate Professor of Hospitality Management and Kenneth Mitchell, Instructional Designer at UNH Academic Technology facilitate... Learn More
At this month’s MBA information session, we welcomed MBA alumni Christina Lentz ‘19G and Robb Atkinson ‘19G as well as current student (and soon-to-be... Learn More
Paul College MBA students visit China for their international residency
What will set an MBA graduate apart from others? According to Jun Li, associate professor of strategic management and entrepreneurship, it’s strategic... Learn More
MBA Talks and Treats is the first of its kind gathering at Paul College designed for faculty teaching in the MBA Programs. Learn More