
Professor Jun Li was recognized by the Academy of International Business US Northeast Chapter recently for his service as the Conference Program Chair... Learn More
UNH Sales Elite Series Medicus Healthcare Solutions competition October 2019 Learn More
Kalargyrou, V., Kalargiros, E. & Harvey, P. (2019). Managing entitled employees in the hospitality industry: An exploratory study. Advances in Hospita... Learn More
Jun Li, an associate professor at the University of New Hampshire, said he has discussed the China trade war extensively with students in his internat... Learn More
Hach writes a business blog on international and social franchising-related topics for His August 23rd blog “The 10 Most Attractive Countr... Learn More
Hach blogs on international and social franchising-related topics for June’s blog “Africa In Need of New Solutions: Social Entrepreneurshi... Learn More
The current issue (volume 17, 2019) of the International Journal of Franchising Law includes Hach’s franchise research “How Social Franchising Can Add... Learn More
“Authentic Leadership: What’s Gender Got to Do With It?!” Students Charles Carter, Jill Durkin, Allie MacPhee, Brandi McKay, Ben Patt, and Johanna Rew... Learn More
Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands cordially invites you to attend the annual Paul College Faculty and Staff Awards. Paul College has had numerous successes t... Learn More
The franchising sector-focused RIFC 50 Index gained 8.4% in Q1 amidst a broad recovery of the financial markets from the severe correction of the 4th ... Learn More