Congratulations to all of our undergraduate researchers for their research achievements! Thank you to the dedicated faculty mentors for their guidance and to the judges for taking the time to be with our students and discuss their posters. Finally, thank you to the Paul College URC Committee members for helping organize and manage this event.
Be sure to watch all the presentations at Paul College URC channel. Below are the ribbon winning URC posters.
BS Economics
Advisor: Aziz Saglam
Judges: Yin Germaschewski, Michael Goldberg
1st Place: Ali Mara - The Role of Socioeconomic Status in SAT Score
2nd Place: Bretten Belden - Heart and Renal Disease Mortality Rate
3rd Place : Sarah Hobbs - Central Bank Independence and Economic Growth
Judges: Tyler Quinn -Smith (UNH - COLSA– Community & Environ Planning, Natural Resources & Environment ECOG 2018), Mikaela DiGesu (UNH - PAUL- ECON -ECOG 2015)
1st Place: Grace Scott - Design and Implementation of a Nutrition Education Program at the Strafford County Department of Corrections (Advisors: Daniel Winans and Rochelle LItalien)
2nd Place: Spencer Drakeunderkoffler - Happy Plants Happy People: Building a Horticultural Therapy Program with UNH Health and Wellness (Advisors: Daniel Winans and Dawn Zitney)
3rd Place: Britta McCarthy - An Exploration of Natural Fiber Resources in New Hampshire (Advisors: Daniel Winans and Sallie Whitlow)
Economics of Climate Change
Advisor: Robert Mohr
Judges: Reagan Baughman, Jay Horvath
1st Place: Ellen Goulding, Robert Iannarilli, Daniel Pinheiro - Climate Change of California
2nd Place: Andrew Meyer, SeanOrr, Mary Shotton - Climate Policies in New Zealand
3rd Place: Benjamin Gallahue, Nicholas Nilsen, Matthew Quirk - Climate Mitigation in Australia
Multidisciplinary/Honors Thesis (Track 1)
Judges: John Hasseldine, Huimin Li
1st Place: Madeline Karlberg - The Effects of CSR and Female Presence in Corporate Governance on Firm Tax Avoidance (Advisor: Viktoriya Staneva)
2nd Place: Kevin Murphy - Causes of Chaos: Understanding the Latin American Financial Crises (Advisor: Ahmad Etebari)
3rd Place (Tie): Megan Elwell - Understanding the Importance and Impact of Technology in an Accounting Setting (Advisor: Emily Xu)
3rd Place (Tie): Catherine Francis - Understanding the Importance and Impact of Technology in an Accounting Setting (Advisor: Linda Ragland)
Multidisciplinary/Honors Thesis (Track 2)
Judges: Karen Conway, Moein Khanlari, Ermira Zifla
1st Place: Carter Mercer - Estimating the Housing Market Response to Sea Level Rise (Advisor: Chris Glynn)
2nd Place: Parker Armstrong - Airfare Competition in the Post-Merger Era (Advisor: Aziz Saglam)
3rd Place: Jessica Shah - The Impact of Paid Leave on Employment of Women: The Case of Family Leave in California (Advisor: Reagan Baughman)
2020 Paul College URC Committee
Melda Ormeci Matoglu – Chair
Eileen Laskoski – Administrative Support
Andrew Earle – Management Department/Holloway Competition
Peter Masucci – Marketing Department
Dan Winans – Hospitality Department (Eco-G)
Loris Rubini – Economics Department
John Hasseldine – Accounting & Finance Department
Melda Ormeci Matoglu – Decision Science Department