Community News

Vicky will continue to hold her weekly virtual office hours for faculty drop-in chats this spring semester. These can be quick questions, ideas, sugge... Learn More
Interested in utilizing your NEW volunteer USNH Community Service benefit even during the current pandemic? Learn More
Paul College staff and faculty are invited to join the NH Workplace Racial Equity Learning Challenge running January 18 through March 2. Learn More
Paul College alums integral to ESG investing shift
Did you know that as of July 30, 2020 UNH was ranked sixth among universities in the country for its sustainability practices, topped only by schools ... Learn More
I send my warm wishes to our wonderful Paul College community for the holidays and the New Year. Deborah Learn More
New Assistant Professor in Decision Sciences (Fall 2021)
The Decision Sciences Department is delighted to announce that Dr. Burcu Eke Rubini will be transitioning to the role of Assistant Professor of Decisi... Learn More
Sustainability and social innovation, the theme for our Fall 2020 college newsletter, Paul Post, has given us the perfect opportunity to unveil our ne... Learn More
I am very pleased to announce that Peter Paul has committed a major gift of $6 million to enable us to build out a college-wide Business Analytics Ini... Learn More
Effective January 1, Steve Ciccone will be on sabbatical, and Emily Xu has been elected to serve as interim chair while Steve is on sabbatical. Best ... Learn More
The Dean’s Staff Advisory Committee, along with participating UNH Paul College faculty and staff, have wrapped up the Paul Pacers - Fall Step Challeng... Learn More