The UNH MAC | American Marketing Association Collegiate Team had an impressive showing at the AMA International Collegiate Championships in New Orleans, the pinnacle event of collegiate marketing competitions.

Eighteen students (along with one faculty member and one TA) traveled to New Orleans to test their marketing prowess against 1,200 other students from over 120 colleges/universities.

UNH's big wins included:

Top Chapter Plan: Fundraising, Communications, & Chapter Planning
AMA Marketing Week: Outstanding Winner and selected to present Best Practices at conference
Case Competition: Honorable Mention
Perfect Pitch: student, Emily Alberigo, Finalist & Honorable Mention (out of 600 students)

Such achievements wouldn't be possible without the support of the entire UNH community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dean Lucy Gilson, Peter T. 
Paul, and the Paul Innovation Fund, along with the Parent’s Association and the UNH Alumni Association. Their generous grants have made it feasible for our students to participate in this significant event, showcasing UNH's excellence on a global stage.

The UNH MAC | American Marketing Association Collegiate Team