How do small and medium enterprises build their resilience capability? Do they find the adoption of digital technologies too daunting during a crisis? Or do they actually embrace these technologies, in order to tide over the crisis and take their organizations to the next level?

Utilizing a qualitative approach grounded in case studies of eight entrepreneurs from India who had to radically change their business models and operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dev Dutta and research collaborators Indu Khurana and Amarpreet Singh Ghura developed a multilevel model of resilience capability: at the micro (entrepreneur), meso (organizational), and macro (entrepreneurial ecosystem) levels. They found that in developing resilience, the SMEs alternate their focus: from concentrating on the core to moving toward the periphery of their organizational boundaries, highlighting a shifting play of the three first-order dynamic capabilities of sensing, seizing, and transforming. By affording SMEs an opportunity to transform themselves by embracing digital technologies, the crisis leads to the emergence of resilience capability as a second-order dynamic capability.

The research has been published in the Journal of Business Research (ABDC 'A', impact factor 7.55).