Ludwig Bstieler and Peter Lane

I want to congratulate and welcome our two new department chairs. Elected by the respective department faculties, Professor Peter Lane will take up the role of chair for the Management Department and Professor Ludwig Bstieler for the Marketing Department. Both have excellent records of research, teaching, and service at Paul College and both have earned strong external reputations in their fields. Peter brings broad administrative experience having served as interim chair for two departments at Paul College and as associate dean. Ludwig served as interim chair for the Marketing Department last spring and holds senior administrative positions in the global Product Development and Management Association. I am grateful to Peter and Ludwig for stepping up to these leadership roles and I look forward to working with them on the Executive Committee and as members of our academic leadership team.

I also want to extend my deep appreciation to Tuck Pescosolido and Tom Gruen for their dedicated service as chairs. Both have led their departments in hiring excellent new faculty members, strengthening their research reputation, innovating in curriculum and pedagogy, and delivering excellence in teaching. I will miss working closely with Tuck and Tom and wish them all success as they resume their full-time roles as faculty members.

