Tamara Rury

Dear Faculty and Staff:

Welcome to the start of another academic year!  Below is important information regarding adding and dropping of courses for fall term.  The add/drop process will look different from past semesters so please review the email in its entirety and let me know if you have questions as I know things are more complex than in the past. At the end of this email I share the messaging that was sent to students regarding add/drop for fall.  

•    Capacity in courses is more limited than in the past as classroom capacities have been reduced for social distancing.  
•    There will be no overrides to course capacity restrictions.
•    Advisors have been working with students to find alternative courses for their fall schedule.  
•    When in doubt and a student says they need your course, have a student contact their advisor.  

•    There will be no paper add or drop forms.  All schedule changes will be made online by students or advisors.  
•    Add Deadline: Friday, September 11th at 4:30pm EDT
•    Students can add themselves to any course with an open seat through Tuesday, September 8th at 4:30pm EDT. 
•    Between Wednesday, September 9th and Friday, September 11th students can only add a course with instructor permission if a seat is available.  Students can only be registered for Paul courses during this time period by an advisor. We will reach out before adding students to your course during this time period.  

•    Drop Deadline: Friday, October 2nd at 4:30 p.m. EDT
•    As there are no paper forms, students can drop themselves from a course online anytime before the drop deadline.  
•    We strongly recommend all students reach out to an advisor before dropping a course to discuss the impact on their graduation plans.  
•    After the drop deadline, students can only drop a course by petition.  Petition exceptions are rare and made only for documented, compelling, non-academic reasons.  

•    The Undergraduate Programs Office will be staffed during regular business hours.  We are all scheduled to be on a 3 day in office 2 day remote schedule.  
•    We will offer both in person and virtual advising options for students.  
•    Walk-In Appointments
o    In person walk-in appointments for the first two weeks of the semester will be held in G35 to allow us to follow social distancing safety precautions.  
o    When in doubt, always refer a student to an advisor.  Please feel free to share this walk-in schedule with them:  https://paulcollege.unh.edu/academics/undergraduate-advising#collapse_401  

•    The chairs have worked with faculty to identify online or remote access courses for fall term.  Thank you to all who have been extremely flexible in accommodating remote students.  
•    UNH is requiring all students submit a consent form on which they must indicate their status for fall term to be either on campus or a remote only student.  Students who select remote only will not be allowed on campus in the fall.   Any student who has COVID-related concerns and decides not to return to campus has been directed to complete the consent form indicating this decision.  
•    Undergraduate Programs is only focusing on students who have submitted their consent form to the university indicating their status as remote only.   We are working hard to assist seniors in meeting graduation requirements, particularly students who are graduating in December.   
•    You may have students reaching out to you to request remote access to your course.  I am happy to verify a student's status as remote-only as I am provided with lists 3x a week.  
•    It is possible the student has a preference to be remote for your course, but is not a remote-only student. As it is your course, it is at your discretion to allow other students to be remote for the course.  You will likely need to set guidelines or policies for your course to make clear the attendance expectations for non-remote students.   

I know that the start of this term is unlike any other and there are many outstanding questions for all of us.  Please feel free to contact me on Teams or by email (tamara.rury@unh.edu).   

I hope everyone has a great semester.  #unhtogether 


Tamara Scapicchio Rury
Director of Undergraduate Programs 
