Business Administration: Full-Time (MBA) Spotlight

The ability to play collegiate soccer while earning an AACSB-accredited MBA was a draw for Dante Lamb '18
In addition to the small cohort, and the New York and China residencies, two things stuck out in the Full-Time MBA program for Dante Lamb '18G: the faculty in the program and the Corporate Consulting Project. “The commitment that the professors show is amazing."
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US Army, MBA '16
“To grow in my military career, I felt I needed to strengthen my knowledge in the areas that an MBA focuses on –the softer skills of leadership that are not afforded by military rank, as well as the more technical skills you learn in classes focused on topics like information technology and…
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US Air Force, MBA '18
"This program is a great fit for military veterans because it gives them so many different options. In the military you’re basically trained to do one thing. Here, you have a whole different variety of different classes. You can really focus in on the ones that you enjoy, anything that calls to you…
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"I had been thinking about getting my MBA for a long time. My talent and skillset is in English and Creative Writing—I’m a very right-brained person—but I wanted to build a stronger foundation in Finance, Economics, and the language of business, so that I could be more marketable for future…
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"The program was outstanding. For me, working individually is much easier, but this program forces you to come at your problems as a group so that you can learn from your peers, all of whom have multiple experiences, opinions, and work styles."
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