Rachel's headshot alongside Billur's headshot

Assistant Professor of Management Rachel Campagna and Associate Professor of Marketing Billur Akdeniz Talay have been selected as UNH ADVANCE faculty fellows beginning January 2022.

UNH ADVANCE, working with the Office of Provost and funded by the National Science Foundation, works to improve faculty climate and academic leadership through increased fairness, transparency, and clarity of recruitment, retention, and promotion and tenure policies and practices.

While the ADVANCE grant is directed at retaining and advancing women faculty in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and the Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), the overall goal to transform the climate of the university in a way that benefits the entire UNH faculty.

Rachel and Billur will work in close collaboration with the Executive Director and Program Coordinator of UNH ADVANCE to support various initiatives such as faculty search committee workshop and pathway to tenure workshop.