Marketing Department

Bitsight Elite Series
Fantastic Friday with UNH Professional Sales Group at Bitsight Elite Series competition doing cold calls, discovery meetings and closing! Learn More
Congrats to Top 5 Mock Interview Winners
#UNHSales first annual, stand-alone, Interview Idol!!! Great mock interview competition and "improv in sales" workshop in the Sky Box at the Whittemor... Learn More
The 2019 UNH Sales Competition, Sales Career Fair, & Casino was the marquee event for #UNHSales and it did not disappoint! Learn More
Ludwig Bstieler moderated a panel of editors and joined the leadership team of the Product Development and Management Association. Learn More
Prof. Billur Akdeniz is invited to serve on the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Business Research in its Research Methods track. Learn More
University of New Hampshire’s New Sales Minor Employs Leading Technology from Selleration to Develop Student’s Selling Skills
Great technology to help new sales students learn, develop skills, and experiment in a safe and interactive environment! Learn More
A successful first semester!
Final sales role-plays focused on adaptability in the first ever Advanced Sales Class at University of New Hampshire! Learn More
Congratulations to the UNH Professional Sales Group
Congratulations to the UNH Professional Sales Group for a successful Fall Sales Networking Night this week in the Victory Club at Wildcat Stadium! Learn More
William Paterson University, New Jersey
Another excellent group of UNH Sales students traveled to the National Sales Challenge hosted by Russ Berrie Institute for Professional Sales at Willi... Learn More
University of New Hampshire sales squad improves upon previous performance.
The UNH squad improved upon our previous performance at the ICSC, finishing 61/80 schools. Learn More