Valentina Bulava

On February 7th, 2023, the Center for Business Analytics hosted 41 Industry Ambassadors in person and virtually for our first annual Industry Ambassador Summit.

Established in February 2021, the Industry Ambassador program is a network of 50+ industry supporters and mentors for the Center for Business Analytics - Paul College, UNH, our business partners, students, and each other. This program has grown rapidly and continues to impact our organization's academic and professional paths.

We had a chance to discuss several important topics related to the industry, student support, learning, and entrepreneurship.
Some of the highlights included:

  • Launching a Business Analytics conference in Fall 2023.
  • Educating employers about the benefits of hiring international students. Often these employers don't fully understand visa requirements.
  • Helping students design and create portfolios highlighting their real-world skills, giving them an advantage in the job market.
  • Bridging the communication gap in companies between technical and non-technical departments, training students on presentation skills.
  • Promoting student entrepreneurship around analytics by connecting them with potential mentors and investors.

The Center for Business Analytics team is incredibly grateful for these ambassadors. Their support, guidance, and optimism have been a huge part of our success as we enter our second full year of existence!

Groups of people talking at round tables

