We’ve reached the end of the on-campus learning portion of fall semester, with a little bit to go until the actual semester conclusion and the start of an extended winter break. For those who may be on campus over the remote-learning/winter break period here’s the deal with parking:
Parking During Remote Learning/Winter Break: November 23 – January 31
- Parking regulations remain in effect throughout the Remote Learning and Winter Break periods. All those parking on campus must have valid parking permits or pay a parking meter during the hours designated for the lot. Permits that are valid for 2020-21 are valid over break. Winter Break permits are available to eligible student applicants who don’t already have a valid ’20-’21 permit by applying here.
- November 26 & 27, December 24-31, January 1 & 18 are University holidays; there are no permit requirements in faculty/staff and commuter lots, and the parking meters are free. All other regulations remain in effect.
- The Winter Parking Ban begins on January 1 and extends through March 31. During this period, most parking areas are closed between midnight and 6:00AM, every night regardless of weather conditions. Please see the WPB page for restrictions and options.
- The Campus Connector will operate a Reduced Service Connector throughout break, Monday-Friday 7:30AM-5:00PM. No service on the holidays and during the shut-down period, see above.
- The parking office will be closed November 26 & 27, December 21-January 1, and on January 18. General and comprehensive information about campus parking is always available at
Also, parking is working up to student permit sales & distribution for Semester II. Parking expects to have online sales for Commuter and Resident West permits get underway sometime in December. Other resident permits will be distributed from the wait list, dates TBA.
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