Paul college caps session with Kimberly clark and student

Our team has been hard at work on virtual platforms meeting with students and employers.
Here is a brief update:

Student services:
We are able to meet with students via Zoom or phone. Students can make appointments through Handshake or by directly e-mailing our team.

The Paul Career Team has been reaching out to employers regarding student status. Survey results will be ready soon. If students have let you know their offers have changed, please have them contact us as we are attempting to track this information.

Employers are starting to book virtual events. We will be posting these events on the canvas career pages each week.

Class visits:
Thank you for having us visit your classes! We are ready to jump in for a few moments and answer student questions. Those who have had us in have remarked that the students are finding this helpful. Just let Kim know and we will work to coordinate a visit.

Thank you,
Kimberly Clark
