Holloway Competition

Students competing in Holloway and Marine Energy Collegiate competitions
Most ocean data collection devices use 30-50 D cell alkaline batteries. When those batteries drain, the buoy shuts down and is no longer traceable.
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Today, Hunt and the SPAITR™ team are working on building a prototype of their product and have lacrosse teams who are interested in using it.
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For Connor Roelke ‘15, his love of coffee inspired more than your average morning pick-me-up. @NOBLbeverages was born at the 2015 Holloway Competition, when he took a passion for home brewing beer, and put it toward a different brew: cold brew coffee.
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CoCo Chew produces dog toys made from coconut husks
Chip leveraged every Paul College class to develop a fledgling business idea: dog toys made from coconut husks. Each course became a building block of market research, financial plans, pitches, and product development. In his senior year, he submitted his capstone @cocochewllc to the Holloway…
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jajabelles first breathed life as a project for an entrepreneurship class. Students with the best projects were encouraged to enter the Holloway competition. After months of endless rewrites and hours of practicing her presentation, Jess’s entry won her first place (and $4,000!) in the lifestyles…
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Kendra Bostick ’23G
@KikoriApp is dedicated to bringing Kendra's research to life. "I cannot say enough about the invaluable experience I had participating in the Holloway Competition and being coached by Ian Grant @unhecenter. While it wasn't easy, Holloway helped me…
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Education, textbooks, recycling
For the first time, all six finalists were coached by the ECenter’s (Entrepreneurship Center) Ian Grant, who worked with first-place winners ecoText for the last three years, Kikori since September 2019 and Scraap since…
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