We're here for you and we're all in this together!

Coronavirus-19 CDC image

In the best interests of the health and safety of the Wildcat community, UNH has suspended all in-person classes for the remainder of the spring semester, extending our previously announced two-week transition to non-face-to-face, remote learning. We understand there will be a lot of questions as this rapidly changing situation develops, and we encourage you to check the faculty-staff news page for updates, important information and resources. Also, the Dean’s Office will be emailing “Guidance” memos each day with the most up-to-date news and tips for all.

The faculty and staff here at Paul College want to keep students informed as we move forward with remote learning, a first for many of us. Similar to UNH's COVID-19 Updates and Resources webpage, this Paul College page will serve as a place for students to find college specific updates, important information, and resources. 

UNH Student Life also offers this Student Resource page: Student Instruction During Covid-19. (This page will be updated with new information frequently, please check back often.)
