Hannah Donahue, Business Administration ‘22

Innovation, project-based learning and disciplines collide in producing a fun and approachable video that introduces the BiP program to students.

Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics is launching the Business in Practice (BiP) program this Fall 2019. Staying true to the emblems of the Business in Practice program, two UNH students were tasked with representing the vision of the BiP experience through the eyes of the students. Through collaboration and resourcefulness, the dynamic duo planned and executed the project with a limited timeline.

Hannah Donahue ’22 and Alice Butcher ’21 combined forces to tackle this project, with hardly any familiarity with one another at the start. Alice, a talented English major, planned, filmed, and edited the video from behind the scenes, while Hannah, a fearless Business Administration student, helped to craft the language and narration for her on-screen role.

“Making this video was definitely challenging because it forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and explore the BiP program a lot more in depth, and it was so worth it. I was really able to see the benefits that can come from it and I am so excited to be able to have the professional opportunities because of BiP that I would not have had otherwise” says Donahue.

“I’m really impressed by the talent of our students. It’s great to challenge them…pushing them to answer that challenge with their own voice and actions. Making a video may seem easy, but they also had to present an early version of the video to Paul College’s Dean, Deborah Merrill Sands, and Associate Dean, Neil Niman. An important part is being able to put yourself out there, get feedback, and learn how to pivot or push even further…both Alice and Hannah answered that call. That’s also what our Business in Practice program is all about” explained Jen Chagnon, Assistant Director of Academic Programs and Business in Practice.

The BiP program is ready to change the way we view business education and this video embodies the spirit of how we plan to do it!

Watch the VIDEO 

Written by Jacqueline Sampson, English ’20
Photograph by Jennifer Chagnon, Paul College – Business in Practice [Pictured – Hannah Donahue ’22 (left) and Alice Butcher (right) ‘21]
