Ermira Zifla

Ermira Zifla

Decision Sciences
Phone: (603) 862-5382
Office: Decision Sciences, Paul College Rm 370K, Durham, NH 03824

In my research, I examine the influences, consequences, and dynamics of individual user behavior in online platforms, including contexts such as online word-of-mouth and social media. My work has been published in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Computers in Human Behavior (CHB), Behaviour and Information Technology (BIT), and in international conference proceedings, including the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), and the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Courses Taught

  • ADMN 410: Management Information Systems
  • ADMN 926: Technology & Competitive Edge
  • DS 673: Database Management


  • Ph.D., Management Information Systems, Temple University
  • M.S., Sabanci University, Turkey
  • B.B.A., Istanbul University, Turkey

Research Interests

  • Consumer Behavior
  • Social media
  • Health care

Selected Publications

  • Zifla, E., Schuff, D., Mudambi, S., & Wattal, S. (2024). Not just for fun: The effect of pseudo-reviews on consumer behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 155, 108166. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2024.108166

  • Zifla, E., & Rubini, B. E. (2024). Multi-criteria evaluation of health news stories. Decision Support Systems, 180, 114187. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2024.114187

  • Gwebu, K. L., Wang, J., & Zifla, E. (2021). Can warnings curb the spread of fake news? The interplay between warning, trust and confirmation bias. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2021.2002932

  • Zifla, E., & Wattal, S. (2019). What Doctors Wish They Knew: Treatment Compliance in an Online Health Community for Chronic Patients. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 52ND ANNUAL HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (pp. 3888-3896). Retrieved from

  • Zifla, E., & Wattal, S. (2019). Understanding IT-Enabled Social Features in Online Peer-to-Peer Businesses for Cultural Goods. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 629-646. doi:10.17705/1jais.00546

  • Mudambi, S. M., Schuff, D., & Zifla, E. (2016). What's "Funny" about Technology Adoption? Humorous Appropriation of Online Review Platforms.. In P. J. Ågerfalk, N. Levina, & S. S. Kien (Eds.), ICIS. Association for Information Systems. Retrieved from

  • Zifla, E., & Wattal, S. (2016). Community Engagement in Peer-to-Peer Business: Evidence from Etsy.Com.. In ECIS (pp. Research Paper 55). Retrieved from

  • Eke Rubini, B., & Zifla, E. (2021, October 30). Evaluating Health-Related News Stories: A Mixed Approach that Combines Text Analysis and Machine Learning. In New England chapter of the Association of Information Systems (NEAIS) 2021 Conference. Boston, MA.

  • Most Cited Publications