Goksel Yalcinkaya
Goksel Yalcinkaya is a Professor of Marketing in the Paul College of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. He earned his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. His research specializes in the areas of new product launch and global marketing strategy with a particular interest in the relative impact of exploitation and exploration capabilities on product innovation and market performance.
His research has been presented in various international conferences and published in numerous leading academic journals including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of World Business, International Marketing Review, and others. He currently serves as the Chair of the Global Marketing SIG of the American Marketing Association and Associate Editor for the Rutgers Business Review. He is also serving on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science.
He is the winner of the 2015 AMA’s Hans B. Thorelli Award for significant and long-term contributions to international marketing theory or practice and the recipient of the 2013 Excellence in Teaching Award from the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics.
Fields of Specialization
Marketing Strategy, Product Innovation, and Global Marketing
Honors & Awards
2019 UNH Faculty Instructional Technology Summer Institute (FITSI) Fellowship
2018 Paul College Summer Grant for Research Excellence
2016 Paul College Summer Research Support Award
2015 Hans B. Thorelli Best Paper Award, Journal of International Marketing
2013 Paul College Excellence in Teaching Award for Tenure-Track
Courses Taught
- ADMN 863: Marketing Analytics
- ADMN 960: Marketing/Customer Value
- MKTG 750: Marketing Strategy
- MKTG 763: Marketing Analytics
- PAUL 725: Independent Study
Research Interests
- Innovation
- International Marketing
- Marketing Strategy
- Sustainability
Selected Publications
Lee, H. S., Yalcinkaya, G., & Griffith, D. A. (2023). Understanding the Coevolution of Ad Spend by Media Channel and Retail Format Sales at the Country Level: A Multicountry Examination. Journal of International Marketing, 31(2), 64-81. doi:10.1177/1069031x221143780
Dean, T., Griffith, D. A., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2023). The roles of shadow of the past and future in driving new product novelty and meaningfulness within coopetitive collaborations. Industrial Marketing Management, 109, 174-187. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.01.003
Griffith, D. A., Lee, H. S., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2022). Understanding the relationship between advertising spending and happiness at the country level. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES. doi:10.1057/s41267-022-00510-0
Griffith, D. A., Dean, T., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2021). Building and leveraging competence exploitation and exploration for firm new product success. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 97, 233-244. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.07.004
Bstieler, L., Gruen, T., Akdeniz, B., Brick, D., Du, S., Guo, L., . . . Yalcinkaya, G. (2018). Emerging Research Themes in Innovation and New Product Development: Insights from the 2017 PDMA-UNH Doctoral Consortium. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 35(3), 300-307. doi:10.1111/jpim.12447
Griffith, D. A., Yalcinkaya, G., Rubera, G., & Giannetti, V. (2017). Understanding the Importance of the Length of Global Product Rollout: An Examination in the Motion Picture Industry. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 25(4), 50-69. doi:10.1509/jim.17.0044
Du, S., Yalcinkaya, G., & Bstieler, L. (2016). Sustainability, Social Media Driven Open Innovation, and New Product Development Performance. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 33(S1), 55-71. doi:10.1111/jpim.12334
Yalcinkaya, G., & Aktekin, T. (2015). Brand Extension Effects and Core Attributes of Experience Product Franchises: A Bayesian Approach. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 32(5), 731-746. doi:10.1111/jpim.12164
Yeniyurt, S., Jr, H. J. W., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2014). A longitudinal analysis of supplier involvement in buyers' new product development: working relations, inter-dependence, co-innovation, and performance outcomes. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 42(3), 291-308. doi:10.1007/s11747-013-0360-7
Griffith, D. A., Yalcinkaya, G., & Rubera, G. (2014). Country-Level Performance of New Experience Products in a Global Rollout: The Moderating Effects of Economic Wealth and National Culture. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 22(4), 1-20. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Rubera, G., Griffith, D. A., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2012). Technological and Design Innovation Effects in Regional New Product Rollouts: A European Illustration. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 29(6), 1047-1060. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5885.2012.00952.x
Becker-Olsen, K. L., Taylor, C. R., Hill, R. P., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2011). A Cross-Cultural Examination of Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing Communications in Mexico and the United States: Strategies for Global Brands. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 19(2), 30-44. doi:10.1509/jimk.19.2.30
Griffith, D. A., Yalcinkaya, G., & Calantone, R. J. (2010). Do marketing capabilities consistently mediate effects of firm intangible capital on performance across institutional environments?. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 45(3), 217-227. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2009.09.008
Yalcinkaya, G., Calantone, R. J., & Griffith, D. A. (2007). An examination of exploration and exploitation capabilities: Implications for product innovation and market performance. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 15(4), 63-93. doi:10.1509/jimk.15.4.63
Calantone, R. J., Griffith, D. A., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2006). An empirical examination of a technology adoption model for the context of China. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 14(4), 1-27. doi:10.1509/jimk.14.4.1