Deborah Merrill-Sands with guests at the BiP launch
BiP Forge Stoke hall
BiP at the forge with Neil Niman presenting Voice Z

Paul College’s Business in Practice (BiP) Program officially launched on Wednesday, November 13, 2019, in its new space the “Forge”. The BiP program is designed to enhance Paul College’s core curriculum, in order to better prepare students for the business world. Through BiP, students will acquire valuable skills and experiences through practice-based learning with projects and realistic scenarios.

BiP opened its doors at the newly renovated “Forge” in Stoke Hall, which serves as a transformational work environment--board room, incubator, client lounge, professional presence, cross-functional team room, or project hub--to support the functioning of professional business practices on a variety of levels.

“We are really excited about the launch of the BiP program. The reception it has received by potential employers and other business professionals had been overwhelmingly positive. We view the program as a way to differentiate the Paul College graduates and look forward to seeing how the program unfolds as it grows and matures” says Paul College Associate Dean Neil Niman.

The launch included key presentations from Artifex by Cortlynn Danby, Owen Lynch and Carter Mercer (advised by Chris Glynn) and Voice Z by Devin Cowhig (advised by Tom Gruen and Matt O’Hern). Student-run organization Artifex focuses on data analytics, while Voice Z focuses on digital marketing. Each highlighted on their work with the business community and their utilization of the “Forge” as a collaborative project space.

Paul College Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands attended in support of the program alongside President James W. Dean Jr., UNH Provost Wayne Jones Jr., and members of the Paul College faculty in celebration of the program’s launch. Several members of the business community also attended including: New Hampshire Small Business Development Center (NH SBDC), BiP Advisory Board, BiP instructors and partners such as Raka Creative and Hubspot.

Associate Dean Neil Niman hosted the launch along with Jen Chagnon, Assistant Director of Business in Practice, and Susan Mattioni, Program Administrator. The BiP program will go into full-effect in the Spring of 2020 with new and invaluable courses that are designed to fit student needs to successfully enter the business world.

By Jacqueline Sampson ‘20
Student video introduces the BiP program

