In April, M.S. in Accounting students embarked on an enriching New York City residency, immersing themselves in the heart of the nation's financial hub.

The trip was packed with invaluable experiences, offering students a glimpse into the inner workings of key financial institutions while also allowing them to enjoy the vibrant spirit of the city.

The residency kicked off with visits to three pivotal regulatory agencies:

  • The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

These encounters provided students with firsthand insight into the critical roles these organizations play in upholding financial integrity and enforcing regulations. Through engaging discussions, students deepened their understanding of the financial landscape and the nuances of regulatory compliance.

Beyond the educational experiences, the trip offered ample opportunities for bonding and cultural exploration. The students ventured through iconic landmarks like Times Square, taking in the dazzling lights and lively atmosphere. They also experienced the magic of Broadway with a showing of the lively musical, &Juliet, and paid a visit to the iconic Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom and opportunity.

On their way back from NYC, the students made a significant detour to Norwalk, Connecticut, for a visit to the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), home of both the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). This stop provided an in-depth look at the organizations responsible for shaping the frameworks that govern financial reporting in the United States.

Overall, the NYC residency was a remarkable blend of education, networking, and cultural experiences. The M.S. in Accounting students left with not only a deeper understanding of the financial regulatory environment but also lasting memories of camaraderie and adventure.

MS Accounting in NYC

