Over 130 students, their families, and sponsors gathered at the UNH Sales Banquet to reflect on the past year and look ahead.

Over 35 Professional Sales Group members were corded, a new record, 49 sales minors were recognized, and peer-voted superlatives were awarded. Congrats to Samuel Lozeau on earning the "Student in the Arena" Award!

Thank you to outgoing President Myles Kierstead and his executive team Griffin Richards, Anne-Marie Maughn, Libby Moreau, Matthew Hauschild, Anna Catino, and Benjamin Pitts for all that they have accomplished, for supporting the newer members, and somehow raising the bar yet again for the UNH Professional Sales Group.

Welcome incoming President Brandon Murphy, EVP Elle Fernandez and their VPs Cameron Livingstone, Tiffany Marrotte, Julia Tuttle, Michael Sullivan, Miles Boyle, Gavin Cieplik and Connor Comerford. We are already planning a great year in AY24-25!

Thank you to all of the partners and business professionals who helped make this year special. Their support through structured conversations and experiences is critical to the growth and development of the sales students.

UNH Sales Group