The UNH Professional Sales Group recently participated in the final Elite Series of the year at WIN Waste Innovations.

Congratulations to Caitlyn Baglione and Natalie Ferland for their outstanding performance! Additional finalists who made a mark with their exemplary skills include Aleni Kleros, Dyllan Welby, Samuel Lozeau, Avery Langone, Anna Catino, and Tommy Langlois. Their efforts in selling sustainability solutions to businesses have set a new benchmark for excellence.

This event could not have been possible without the support and hospitality of Elmira Abbaspour, Eric Speiser, and the entire WIN Waste Innovations team. Their dedication to nurturing the skills and experiences of our sales students is deeply appreciated. A special thanks to Myles Kierstead, Griffin Richards, and their team for their pivotal role in ensuring the competition ran on time and without a hitch. 
