Advising students or helping them register for fall? They may want to consider the B Impact Clinic and Climate Action Clinic, both Business in Practice courses.

Students get hands-on experience learning about B Corps or in measuring GHG emissions and developing climate action plans – highly desirable skills in a changing career landscape. According to LinkedIn, between 2022 and 2023, job seekers with green skills were nearly a third more likely to be hired (29%) than the workforce average?

B Impact Clinic
Student teams are trained, supported, and work directly with a local company to learn about certified B Corps. Then the student teams help the companies assess their social and environmental impact by completing the B Impact Assessment – an open-access, rigorous assessment tool and the first step to becoming B Corp Certified.

Climate Action Clinic
Student teams are trained, supported, and work directly with local organizations (for profits, non-profits, and municipalities) to learn about carbon footprint analysis, then help the organization complete theirs.

Students with questions can contact