Group of finalists for Role Play Competition.

Congratulations to Winners Caitlyn Baglione and Gavin O'Hara, as well as finalists Avery Langone, Cam Dolbec, Tiffany Marrotte, Michael Picciuto, Layla Hanissian and Kyle Miller for distinguishing themselves!!! Thomas Berthasavage and Sarah Carroll were also recognized.

Thank you to Rich Gasparian for sharing his story and the career paths at Mimecast and to Alex Nazzaro and the entire team for supporting the student's growth. Great to see recent University of New Hampshire alumni Jack Lehoullier, Taylor Ribeiro, Sierra Rogers, Isabella Spagnuolo, Brianna Albano and Zack German giving back and doing great in their careers!

Myles Kierstead, Griffin Richards, along with students coaches Henry DiNapoli, Anna Catino and the whole team kept us on time and having plenty of fun on the "lawn" at Mimecast!!!

