DEI Committee participating in a interactive workshop in Paul College.

Mark the date: Tuesday, November 28, MUB 330/332, 10:00 am-1:00 pm

The Paul College DEI Strategy & Mission subcommittee will lead Part II of a mission and vision workshop for Paul College DEI Commitee members on November 28, 2023, as part of an overall goal to develop a strategic plan. In spring 2023, the subcommittee led Part I of an interactive workshop to identify the committee's core values and lay the groundwork for defining a plan. During Part II, the committee will use the identified values to draft a mission and vision statement. Both workshops will culminate into a third workshop in spring 2024, that will focus on implementation of the strategic plan and engagement within the Paul College, UNH, and seacoast communities.

This is an exciting time for the Paul College DEI committee as it works to build community, spark important dialogue, and inspire leadership within the DEI framework.

 (Contributed by Karie Fisher, picture from Cinthia Satornino)