Inclusive Community Orientation with two individuals discussing importance of inclusion in work organizations.

This fall marked the fifth year that students entering Paul College have been asked to participate in an Inclusive Community Orientation, an event collaboratively produced by the Dean’s office, Paul DEI committee, and the Undergraduate programs office.  After a welcome from Associate Dean Echazu, Associate Professor Michael Kukenberger introduced some concepts about inclusion and interviewed business leader Pamela Hobbs, Chief Human Resources Officer at WIN Waste Innovations, about the importance of inclusion in work organizations.  The evening wrapped up with a panel of Paul community members moderated by Rachel Kim, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs.  Over the years, this program has evolved, and this was the first time it was in person since 2019, leading to important realizations about how it needs to evolve moving forward into 2024.  Many thanks to all who helped make it happen!

(write-up and picture contributed by Vicky Parker)