The 2023 Women in Sales event was held at the Memorial Union Building on Thursday, Oct. 19. 

Dean Lucy Gilson kicked-off the annual event with opening remarks focusing on her early career in sales, before she introduced spotlight speakers and UNH alums Taylor Van Kleeck and Kelly Anderson. Van Kleeck and Anderson, both employed at Insight Global, led a series of small group discussions followed by open networking.

The event was successful in that it was well attended by UNH alumni who represented thier companies and shared their personal sales journeys. 

Special recognition for the event's success should be directed towards students Emma Farnham (WiB) and Anne-Marie Maughn (UNH PSG). The continued partnership between Woman in Business (WiB) and the UNH Professional Sales Group (PSG) to coordinate and promote this event has had a serious impact on so many and helps increase awareness of sales amongst females at UNH.
