David Autor presents “The Work of the Future: Where Will It Come From” in the 2023 John A. Hogan Distinguished Lecture Series.

Autor is a preeminent American Economist and MIT Ford Professor and Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow. In 2020, Autor received the Heinz 25th Special Recognition Award from the Heinz Family Foundation for his work “transforming our understanding of how globalization and technological change are impacting jobs and earning prospects for American workers.”

His scholarship explores the labor-market impacts of technological change and globalization on job polarization, skill demands, earnings levels and inequality, and electoral outcomes.

In 2016, Autor presented to TedxCambridge, an independent local TED Talk event. His presentation entitled, “Will Automation Take Away All Our Jobs?” has nearly 2 million views on Ted.com. In a 2019 article, the Economist magazine labeled him as “The academic voice of the American worker.” Later that same year, and with (at least) equal justification, he was christened “Twerpy MIT Economist” by John Oliver of Last Week Tonight in a segment on automation and employment.

Thursday, April 13, 2023
3:30 p.m. 
Room G75 | Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics

Register here

Cocktail reception to follow

Please direct questions and inquiries to Dr. Karen Smith Conway, John A. Hogan Distinguished Professor of Economics at karen.conway@unh.edu.
