Diane Devine
UNH Paul College AMA team group photo

The UNH American Marketing Association (AMA) Collegiate Chapter, under the direction of seniors Alisha Wannaphong, Maddie Shatzer, Shelby Nicholson and faculty advisor Diane Devine, placed in the semi-finals for the highly competitive case competition this past month.

The case competition included conducting primary and secondary research for the client The Wall Street Journal and recommending a comprehensive marketing plan for the next three years to reach graduating seniors who they are not successfully acquiring as consumers.

The team's thorough survey research, consumer insights and provocative marketing strategies and tactics contributed to this high ranking out of more than 110 colleges and universities across the nation.

This is the second competition that this team has won in the past two months, having placed second in the Sales competition with junior Anna Catino.

graphics highlighting the awards winners

Additionally, senior Allie Dyac was named AMA Boston student of the quarter for her outstanding work developing the MAC website. Students from the UNH AMA Collegiate Team will be heading to New Orleans in late March to compete in the AMA International Collegiate Championships.