Jun Li
UNH FTMBA International Residency 2022- Canada

The FTMBA 2022 Class just returned from Canada (Montreal and Quebec City) for their week-long International Residency, a required component for their MBA degree, and experiential learning for the ADMN 840 International Business course. The trip was led by Associate Professor Jun Li, Associate Dean Victoria Parker, and Academic Advisor Cynthia Plascencia and assisted by International Study Programs.

While Canada is nearby in North America, many in the group were there for the first time. Aside from enjoying beautiful Canadian and Quebec landscapes and cultures, students had chances to learn from business leaders in both startups and corporations on topics covering the Canadian economy, entrepreneurial ecosystem, off-shore manufacturing, global supply chain, startup HRs, AI technology, and innovation in healthcare, family business and retailing, and global telecommunication technology. All learned about some distinctive aspects of the business environment in Canada and the province of Quebec, such as regulations about the relative size of French and English text on commercial signage.

More importantly, they benefited from insights from business leaders in the frontline on career development, growth mindsets, social responsibility, and making a positive difference in this ever-changing world.
