UNH Sales climbs ten spots to #32

James McIlroy
ICSC results 2021, UNH Paul College Sales Club places 32

Each year 80 schools compete in the World Cup of Sales at the International Collegiate Sales Competition (ICSC)- with the top 50 guaranteeing their spots for the next year. #inpersonICSC2022

Congratulations to Role-Play & Speed Sell competitors Sarah McIlroy & Shane Kelley, Sales Management Case Competitors Cameron Strukel & Max Sirmaian, and student coaches Katie Hawkinson & Jack Ginand. So proud of their efforts, preparation, and performance. Way to pay it forward for next year's students! #teamwin #unhsales

#gratitude to Patrick Pallentino, Chuck Viosca, Leff Bonney, Shannon Young, M.B.A., CMP, and the entire FSU Sales Institute for running such a great event.
