Wednesday, August 25

Paul College Communications and Marketing

The Paul College Dean’s Office invites Paul College faculty and staff to attend the in-person Paul College Faculty and Staff Retreat and 2021 Awards Ceremony. This is always a wonderful way to bring our community together and launch the new academic year.

The retreat program begins with Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands presenting the State of the College and the results of Phase 1 of our Strategy Refresh process. The second part will focus on our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiative.

We will then celebrate the careers of our retiring colleagues and congratulate the 2021 recipients of the Paul College Faculty and Staff Awards.

Paul College Faculty and Staff Retreat and Awards
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Paul College

9 a.m.  – Noon Retreat Program, G75
Noon – 1:30pm  Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony. Lunch will be provided. Great Hall

RSVP here by August 16 to ensure the proper amount of food is ordered

2021 Paul College Faculty and Staff Award Winners
Excellence in Teaching for Tenure-Track
Andrew Earle

Excellence in Teaching for Non-Tenure Track
Ron Boucher

Outstanding Research
Rachel Campagna
Tevfik Aktekin

Dean’s Award for Excellence
Laura Hill
Megan Turnbull

2021 Paul College Faculty and Staff Retirees
Staff Retirees
Cindy Grimard-Goss
Sinthy Kounlasa
Maureen Marshall
Karen Schwendeman
Heather Smith

Faculty Retirees
Clayton Barrows
Christine Shea

Questions? Email
