paul college urc

Congratulations to all of our undergraduate researchers who participated in the virtual Paul College URC this past Friday, April 23! The ribbon winning posters are named below. You’re encouraged to watch and comment on the presentations, which can be found on the Paul College URC channel.

BS Economics 

Advisor: Aziz Saglam
Judges: Deniz Ozabaci and Bayarmaa Dalkhjav

1st Place: Noah Kerbyson - Effects of the Minimum Wage on Employment 
2nd Place: Sadie Mazzola - Contributing Factors to Winning in Major League Baseball 
3rd Place: TIE
Bosibori (Bosi) Mosongo - Economic Impacts of Climate Change
Samuel Mabile - U.S. National Debt and Standard of Living of Future Generations 

BA Economics

Advisor: Reagan Baughman
Judges: Robert Mohr and Iris Tryfoni

1st Place: Joseph Henderson, Aidan Kittredge, Cody Schoolcraft - The Effects of Student Loan Debt on Homeownership
2nd Place: Brenna Burkett, Isabelle Kapoian, Craig Millard - The Impact of Technological Growth on Health Spending in the United States 
3rd Place: Cameron Hebert, Ethan Rotthoff, Timothy Sullivan - How Automation will Affect the American Workforce


Advisor: Dan Winans
Judges: Hayley Harmon and Alexander Harling

1st Place: Emily Johnson - Mindful Meat: A Guide to Sustainable Animal Consumption
2nd Place: Alexandra Papadakis - Dietary Quality of Bhutanese Refugee Adults Eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
3rd Place: Rebecca Malloy - Eating with the Ecosystem: Evaluating Different Ways to Support Biodiversity with Food and Consumer Habits

Economics of Climate Change

Advisor: Robert Mohr
Judges: Stephanie Brockmann and Scott Lemos

1st Place: Joseph Henderson, Wesley Kunin - Two Economists' Perspectives on California's Carbon Pricing
2nd Place: Camden Hearn, Brenna McNamara, Catherine Taylor - Analysis of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
3rd Place: Matthew Batta, Mackenzie Redmond- Analyzing the Clean Power Plan

Multidisciplinary/Honors Thesis (Track 1)

Judges: John Hasseldine, Safayat Hossain, Steve Irlbeck, Huimin Li, Bryce Stanley, and Wenjuan Xie

1st Place: Sadie Mazzola - The Role of Tax Incentives on Business Location and Economic Growth
2nd Place: Samuel Hetu - Investigation into Market Microstructure Evolution: The Impact of HFT Regulation on Markets
3rd Place: Lucas Jones - Business Risk and Attest Service Fees: Understanding the Effect of Low Fed Interest Rates on Bank Audit Fees

Multidisciplinary/Honors Thesis (Track 2)

Judges: Ali Hojjat, Moein Khanlari, and Burcu Eke Rubini

1st Place: Samuel Lupinacci - Improving the Evaluation of Prospects in the NBA Draft
2nd Place: Dagny Wilkins - Data Analytics: An In-Depth Job Analysis
3rd Place: Hannah Carroll - Optimizing Seating with COVID Regulations

2021 Paul College URC Committee

  • Melda Ormeci Matoglu – Chair / Decision Science Department
  • Eileen Laskoski – Marketing Events Manager
  • Andrew Earle – Management Department/Holloway Competition
  • Aziz Saglam – Economics Department 
  • Dan Winans – Hospitality Department (Eco-G)
  • John Hasseldine – Accounting & Finance Department
  • Peter Masucci – Marketing Department