Elisa Steele

Please join me in congratulating the UNH Women in Business student team for their excellent work on the Women in Business Conference!

Jessica Badger (President), Madi Smith (Conference Manager), and Olivia Glick (Vice President) led the design and implementation of the conference, including communication with speakers and design of panel questions, through an impressive combination of dedication, hard work, careful preparation, long hours, and weekly/biweekly meetings. Jessica, Madi, and Olivia, along with executive team members Lisa Robidoux, Nicole Yelle, and Evelina Izdebski, also did a terrific job moderating the session panels with polish and professionalism. The team was fortunate to have the invaluable support of Eileen Laskoski as project manager, and Andy Dolph’s team ensured that the virtual format worked beautifully. It was my pleasure to work with you all as WiB faculty advisor; you’ve made UNH/Paul College proud!

The feedback about the conference has been glowing. If you missed the keynote by alum Elisa Steele, it’s available HERE. Elisa is a Board member of Bumble, Splunk, Cornerstone OnDemand, Namely, JFrog, and Procore Technologies, and former CEO of Namely and Jive Software. We recommend you take a few minutes to watch it; it’s well worth your time.

The team is deeply grateful to Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands and the Paul College Dean’s Office for support of the Women in Business Conference, as well as to all of you who spread the word and attended the conference!

#PaulPride, #WomeninBusiness
