Paul College students benefit from Changemaker opportunities


Often, those seeking broad changes in the way corporations behave toward their employees, society, and the environment, have done so as protestors. Such protests are valuable in raising attention to important issues, but what happens next to create change?

At the University of New Hampshire, tomorrow’s workers are learning that “changemaking” can have a big impact when pursued within an organization. The literal “center” of this pedagogical and experiential movement is the Changemaker Collaborative, formerly known as the Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise.  

Founded in 2015 as a joint venture of Paul College of Business and Economics and the Carsey School of Public Policy, the Changemaker Collaborative brings together students, faculty, staff, businesses, non-profits and government agencies committed to advancing positive change for the good of all. The Collaborative supports the next generation of skilled, courageous and confident leaders, through real-world experiences and the tools of public policy and business, while helping community partners advance their sustainability initiatives. 

Included in story are: Nate Richard ’22, a finance and sustainability dual major from Doylestown, PA and Paul College alumna Rachel Vaz ’18, an international business and economics major who was raised in Brazil and moved to Lebanon, N.H.

Read more: University Collaborative grooms a new kind of sustainable business leader, (UNHToday 10/23/20)