Delivered quality learning experiences for students!

Molly Finn
Christine Knox

#unhsales Elite Sales Role-play Competition with Crown Lift Trucks delivered quality learning experiences for students! More than 100 warm calls, discovery calls, and closing calls helping customers with compliance, safety and uptime from Crown's InfoLink fleet management technology.

Congratulations to winners Molly Finn and Christine Knox! And to the other finalists Alex Tarczon, Liliana Prine, Skylar O'Reilly, Jack Sickles, Margaret Moss, and Nikolos Raftopoulos.

The #unhsales students just keeping getting better each day - love to see how hard they prepare and push to improve! #gratitude to Barry Dempsey Dylan Correll and the Crown Lift Trucks team!

Big thanks to Paul Almeida and Rick Drews for taking time to speak with the students!

Another flawless execution for Matthew Benoit, Ben Daniels and team running competition logistics! Thank you for giving back to the next generation of UNH Professional Sales Group.