students Amber Man and Olivia Rios attend bgs global leadership summit

Paul College of Business and Economics provided two Paul students with the opportunity to attend a conference about global leadership this fall. Amber Man ‘20 and Olivia Rios ‘21 were the first Paul students able to attend the BGS Global Leadership Summit in Chicago, IL from October 31-November 3.

Amber Man ‘20 and Olivia Rios ‘21 are first Paul students to attend BGS Global Leadership Summit

“The BGS Global Leadership Summit was centered around the future of work this year. It was such an incredible opportunity to hear from professionals, compete in case competitions, take part in career panels, and network with fellow BGS members from around the globe! Throughout the conference, we learned to understand and build on our strengths, utilize them to become an ethical and effective leader while staying true to our values. I had such a great time representing Paul College and will continue to work on these skills I learned to build myself up for the workplace of the future!” says Man
This incredible opportunity was able to be made possible thanks to Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands who further supported Man and Rios by funding their trip to Chicago. Paul College’s chapter also received one scholarship to attend this event for receiving High Honors by the BGS International headquarters which was awarded to Man, a Business Administration Marketing and Management major.

“I am so honored to have been able to represent Paul College at the 2019 Beta Gamma Sigma Global Leadership Summit. This year’s summit was centered around the different ways in which work will evolve in the future, and how we must further develop our ways of thinking and the utilization of our skills to fill these innovative new roles. I am so grateful to have had this tremendous opportunity to network with industry professionals and my fellow BGS members from around the globe! Through this experience I have learned more about my greatest strengths and how I can utilize those strengths to build a foundation for my future success.” Says Rios, a Business Administration in Finance & Information Systems and Business Analytics student.

Congratulations to our Beta Gamma Sigma Wildcats!