entitled employees

This study examines influence and motivational tactics for effectively managing entitled employees, a potential connection between generations and levels of entitlement, managerial challenges, and sources and characteristics of entitled employees. The study uses qualitative methods and data from hospitality leaders. Increased legislature and use of technology, the structure of the educational system, and changes in social norms are promoting entitlement in the workplace. Generation Y hospitality employees hold a higher sense of entitlement than past generations and possess that sense of entitlement even before entering the workforce. The most favorable reactions of entitled employees were attributed to the use of exchange and coalition tactics where entitled employees find pride in their employment and management promotes teamwork and accountability.

Kalargyrou, V., Kalargiros, E. & Harvey, P. (2019). Managing entitled employees in the hospitality industry: An exploratory study. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 15. ISBN: 978-1-83867-956-9, eISBN: 978-1-83867-955-2 ISSN: 1745-3542.