Hach blogs on international and social franchising-related topics for Forbes.com. June’s blog “Africa In Need of New Solutions: Social Entrepreneurship and Franchising to the Rescue” references the Global Social Franchising Index recently developed at the Rosenberg International Franchise Center (RIFC). It ranks 130 countries according to the impacts social entrepreneurship and social franchising can have on citizen well-being.
The top 10 countries ranked in the 2019 Global Social Franchising Index are in Africa. These countries may benefit most from social entrepreneurship and social franchising. Read Hach’s blog to learn how Africa-based social franchises Child and Family Wellness Shops Network (CFW), and Jibu are making a meaningful difference and providing better living conditions, hope and opportunity for millions of people in Africa’s most deprived countries.
Hach's franchising blog on Forbes.com offers great visibility for RIFC franchise research and education, Paul College, and UNH and aligns with RIFC's outreach strategy to connect directly with industry. Forbes.com attracts more than 71 million unique monthly visitors with an online readership of more than 6.5 million.
Connect with Hach on Twitter @ehaliouche and RIFC @RIFC_UNH.