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As a contributor, Hach blogs on international and social franchising-related topics. This month’s blog “Trouble Brewing in the Middle East: One Key Lesson of the Arab Spring” discusses the current massive, peaceful demonstrations in the North African country of Algeria led by young students and unemployed or underemployed youth. While there are many reasons prompting these demonstrations now in their fourth week (more democracy and freedom, change of leadership, honest governance, etc.), lack of job opportunities for the young is a core motivator.

Hach suggests entrepreneurship, franchising, and particularly social entrepreneurship and social franchising, can help address the daunting youth unemployment challenge in the MENA region, and create opportunities and hope for millions of disillusioned and restless young people.

Hach's franchising blog on offers great visibility for RIFC, Paul College, and UNH and aligns with RIFC's outreach strategy to connect directly with industry. attracts more than 71 million unique monthly visitors with an online readership of more than 6.5 million.

Connect with Hach on Twitter @ehaliouche and RIFC @RIFC_UNH to learn when new blogs are published.