Semester in the City, Center for Social Innovation & Enterprise (CSIE)

Semester in the City is a groundbreaking program, offered in partnership between UNH's Center for Social Innovation & Enterprise (CSIE) and the Boston-based non-profit College for Social Innovation. Students earn a full semester's worth of credit towards their UNH degree by participating in life-changing, semester-long social innovation internships in Boston.

The 5th cohort of the Semester in the City Program wrapped up in December at the end of program Showcase, where the cohort reflected on their experiences. "Impressed. Inspired. Moved. Wish I had had this opportunity." These are some of the reactions from the audience after hearing the dynamic end of semester presentations in late December. Be sure to watch Erin Gralton's (Business Administration major, ’21) presentation from the Showcase. Faculty and staff are always welcome to join CSIE in Boston to see the Showcase and meet the cohort; Spring ’19 Showcase will be on Friday, May 3, 2019.
