Piscataqua Science Cafe, Portsmouth Brewery


The Piscataqua Science Cafe series runs during the Gundalow Company’s off season (Oct through April) at the Portsmouth Brewery, in downtown Portsmouth. Each night brings in experts from a variety of environmental topics together for a discussion about current science topics. This is your chance to ask to ask an expert the questions you’ve always wanted to! This is a free event - food and drink are available to purchase.

The Consequences of Climate Change Policy
Featuring: Robert Mohr, UNH Economist & Larry Hamilton, UNH Sociologist
Moderated by Annie Repeik from NHPR

Wednesday October 24 - doors open at 5pm, talk starts at 6pm
Portsmouth Brewery - 56 Market St., Portsmouth, NH
Future science cafes in Portsmouth will be on:

  • November 28
  • January 16
  • February 13
  • March 13

This project was funded, in part, by NOAA's Office for Coastal Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act in conjunction with the NH Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program. Opinions are those of the individuals and not Gundalow Company or the Portsmouth Brewery.
