Lauren Haley is a senior lecturer in the Management Department of Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire where her interests and contributions center on the topics of personal and organizational wellness, effective leadership, career development, and human resources. Lauren currently teaches HR Management & Analytics, Women’s Leadership in the 21st Century, and Introduction to Business. In addition to teaching, Lauren serves as the faculty director for the Rutman Fellows Leadership Program, a key component of the Rutman/Och Advancing Women’s Leadership Initiative, which supports the Colleges’ contribution to advancing women’s leadership in business and economics. She also serves as the co-coordinator of the Strategic HR & Analytics track within the Management option. <br><br>Lauren has worked in the higher education setting for over ten years. Most recently, Lauren served as the founding Director of Career and Professional Success for UNH’s College of Health and Human Services where she partnered with students, faculty, staff, and employers to increase students’ access to high-quality internships and jobs. She served on the Executive Council for the New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers as Vice President for Professional Development and on the Steering Committee for the National Academic Advising Association as the NH State Liaison. Prior to her career in higher education, Lauren spent several years employed in the community mental health sector as Case Manager and Youth and Family Therapist. <br><br>Lauren received her Ed.D. in Higher Ed. Administrative Leadership from Plymouth State University, her M.A. in Psychology from American University and her dual B.A. in Sociology and Justice Studies from the University of New Hampshire. She holds certificates in Human Resources Management and Effective College Instruction. Lauren resides in Lee, NH, with her husband and their two children.
Courses Taught
- ADMN 400: Introduction to Business
- MGT 640: Human Resource Management
- PAUL 660: BiP:S/Women's Leadership