"When I heard I could get my master’s in 4 ½ years I immediately thought, 'Why do an extra semester?'"

Accounting major Patrick Yudkin stands outside UNH Paul College in the courtyard, hands in his pockets, smiling at the camera.

Patrick Yudkin '24 G'24 talks about why he chose to pursue his bachelor's and his master's in just four years – and the faculty that impacted him along the way.


Merrimack, NH


Financial Leadership in Accounting Pathway


Tutor for UNH athletics, Paul Scholar, Beta Alpha Psi member, Teaching Assistant for managerial and financial accounting, Accounting research assistant, Intramural basketball player

When I first came to UNH, accounting wasn't even on my radar. I was actually a finance major with an economics minor. But then I took my first accounting class with Scott Berube, and everything changed.

Why Accounting at UNH

Everything in accounting is based on something that makes sense. It's like solving a puzzle. 🧩 It's fascinating how all the pieces fit together into an integrated system. If you enjoy problem-solving and logical thinking, this is a great major to test out.

The option is also full of supportive faculty who go above and beyond. Professor Berube didn't just teach me accounting; he became my mentor. He encouraged me to:

  • Switch from finance to accounting
  • Enroll in the accelerated master's program
  • Complete my master's in 4 years (with his full support)
  • Become a TA for his classes
  • Apply for an internship at PwC (which led to a full-time job offer!)
Hands-on Learning Experiences

UNH's accounting program is all about practical, real-world experience.

In my classes, we work on projects that directly apply to what we'll be doing in our careers. For example, in my Accounting Theory and Research class, we tackle case studies where we have to research and apply accounting rules to complex situations – just like we'll do as professional accountants.

I also love how much personalized attention we get. My biggest class had maybe 60 students – but most of my accounting classes have been much smaller. I even have a graduate class with only five students! This means lots of one-on-one instruction and opportunities to ask questions.

4 Years, Two Degrees? Maybe a Bit Crazy

UNH offers an accelerated master's program that lets you earn both your bachelor's and master's degrees in just 4.5 years. It's called the 'Financial Leaders in Accounting Pathway.' When I heard about it I immediately thought, "Why do an extra semester?"

I've been told I’m a bit crazy for doing this. I've been taking 6 classes per semester - it hasn't always been easy! But I'm the type of person who always wants to maximize my potential. And, obviously, save money.
While it's been intense, it's also been incredibly rewarding.

My Advice for Future Wildcats
  • Set high expectations for yourself. You're capable of more than you think! Don't be afraid to take on challenges and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Balance is key. Make sure to balance your academics with exercise and social life. Your mental health and overall college experience will thank you.
  • Take advantage of UNH's resources. From tutoring services to career fairs, UNH offers tons of resources to help you succeed. Use them!
  • Build relationships with professors. The faculty at UNH genuinely care about your success. Get to know them – they can become valuable mentors and advocates for your career.
  • Embrace the UNH community. Some of my best memories at UNH are the moments spent with friends in the dining hall or at campus events. These relationships and experiences are what make college truly special.

Choosing UNH for accounting was one of the best decisions I've ever made. As I prepare to start my career at PwC in Boston, I'm incredibly grateful for the foundation UNH has given me. If you're considering accounting (or even if you're not sure yet), I can't recommend UNH enough. It's a place where you'll be challenged, supported, and prepared for success in the real world.

Check out a day in Patrick's life on campus: