Unlock Your Potential with the Artifex Business Analytics Club

Students on the UNH Paul College Artifex club pose in a classroom with desks in the foreground and whiteboard in the background.

In today's data-driven world, the ability to transform raw information into actionable insights is a invaluable skill.

At the University of New Hampshire (UNH), the Artifex Business Analytics Club offers an exceptional opportunity for students to hone their business analytics skills and unlock their full potential.

Experiential Learning at Its Best

The Artifex Business Analytics Club offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in data visualization, statistical modeling, and data-driven decision-making. Through a blend of theory, methodology, and computing, students develop practical skills in modern data science, equipping them to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape.

At the core of the Artifex Business Analytics Club lies a comprehensive curriculum that covers essential topics such as:

  • The R programming environment
  • TidyVerse
  • Shiny

Real-World Industry Collaboration

One of the club's key strengths is its collaboration with industry partners, providing students with experience working with real data from various sectors. This invaluable exposure allows students to apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills to genuine business challenges, preparing them for the demands of the professional world.

A Student-Driven Experience

As one of Paul College's unique class-clubs, Artifex is coordinated and run by a dedicated student executive board under the guidance of a full-time faculty member. (Shoutout David Reynolds!) This student-driven approach fosters leadership skills, teamwork, and a sense of ownership, ensuring that the club remains relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of its members.

Members can participate in social events, attend guest speaker sessions, and engage in business analytics competitions, providing opportunities for networking, personal growth, and friendly competition.

Unleash Your Potential

The Artifex Business Analytics Club is open to any UNH student, regardless of major, but it primarily attracts students within the ISBA (Information Systems and Business Analytics) option of the business administration major. With ADMN 510 (or a statistics equivalent) as a required prerequisite, the club ensures that all members have a solid foundation in quantitative analysis.